Qualitative, quantitative, focus groups, surveys—Banktastic offers the full spectrum of modern research tools to help you understand and engage with your customers, employees and competitive environment.

But, there is more.

You have questions. We have Millennials.

Reaching and capturing this millennial audience is critical to building the next generation of customers and employees who will dominate the market/workplace over the next 30+ years. Ignore them at your peril.

We offer a unique solution to this challenge: The Banktastic National Millennial Advisory Board.

Let's Talk!

Our National Millennial Advisory Board can help you create a future-proof bank. Our Board is made up of over 400 diverse consumers (and growing) born between 1980 and 1996 from across the United States. The Board can provide valuable insight and feedback to institutions with surveys, focus groups and more—to support your product, messaging and marketing strategy. We can work with you to assess:

  • reactions to campaign concepts, messaging and visuals
  • perceptions about your brand
  • expectations of online and in-person customer experience
  • support for values-based or cause-based branding
  • interest in new technology platforms
  • and more.

Some research testing can be conducted within 48 hours.

Want to know about how this resource can help you? Complete this form to get the conversation started about fees, timing and deliverables.

Our National Millennial Advisory Board is made up of over 400 consumers (and growing) born between 1980 and 1996 from across the U.S. The Board can provide valuable insight and feedback to institutions on a variety of topics from new products and services, advertising campaigns, logos, messaging and more.

We can build research instruments specifically for you:

  • surveys
  • polls
  • diary studies
  • concept & product testing
  • moderated group discussions
  • online focus groups
  • and more

If you were born between 1980 and 1996, you may be eligible to join our online community of select millennials to share your opinion and improve the banking industry. This is a compensated position. Note: People who work in the financial sector or marketing are not eligible. Board members must reside and bank in the U.S.